Highly professionally Montessori trained teachers and child care associates with over 15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
Giving HEAD START to your child for kindergarten
State of the art COMPUTER LAB with Projector for more fun learning
Partner with one of the WEB's MOST ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE math practice site which Provides unlimited questions in more than 2000 topics.
Partner with education CONTENT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE which offers a wide range of materials, including math, language arts, reading and writing, social studies, science, and much more!
CONSTANTLY VIGILANT - Our facility is strictly and consistently monitored by CC cameras.
Child friendly and SPACIOUS ROOMS which are clean & well lit rooms PLUS a large and COLORFUL PLAY GROUND
Age Appropriate programs & NUTRITIOUS MEALS
MUSIC IS TECHNICALLY taught on the keyboard with an introduction to musical notes etc
Easy access to Rt 1 , Rt 95 and Rt 32
And all this at very AFFORDABLE FEE